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Mecca Street, Building No. 81 - Safwa Islamic Bank - Third Floor

BAJ provides a responsive external audit approach that is aligned to business needs and designed to help the entity identify and mitigate key risks and challenges, navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape and keep your business on track.
Therefore, it is essential to systematically inspect and examine the company’s accounts and logs in a transparent and unbiased manner to ascertain the company’s account statements are presented legally and fairly.

These audit reports help the business owners analyze the company’s operational performance and financial position, compare the success ratio, understand the risk value, and devise comprehensive strategies to mitigate the issues.

The Audit will include a thorough inspection of the company’s assets, capital management, cash inflow, operational performance and business policies. In addition, BAJ can help you outsource the auditing services in a quality, cost-effective and time-efficient manner without breaching the privacy or jeopardizing the security of your confidential information that you share with us during our auditing engagements.

Our team of highly experienced and professional auditors extensively trained to offer quality external audit services to companies. we can help you with all kinds of auditing needs and provide a tailor-made service and solution that is both effective and comprehensive.

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