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Mecca Street, Building No. 81 - Safwa Islamic Bank - Third Floor

BAJ – Business Solutions
Why us

Specialists in the field of consulting and business development with a total of more than thirty years of experience with more than one thousand and five hundred projects in various financial and administrative fields, including financial and tax consulting, auditing and business development, in the field of websites and smartphone applications in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar and Britain, as well as We are accredited by the Income and Sales Tax Department in Jordan, the Jordanian Association of Auditors, and the Income and Sales Tax Experts Association.

Our vision is derived from that of BAJ, it is to:
Our success is built on trust, valued relationships and respect. We provide exceptional client service through delivering services exceptionally well for every client under a consistent high-quality mechanism.
We provide professional services in the field of Business, Finance, Consulting, Corporate Restructuring, and Information Technology.

BAJ’s mission is to achieve sustainable professional and economic growth in order to maintain our position as a leader in the field of business development. Our mission is thus accomplished by embracing our core values, capitalizing on opportunities, and providing modern solutions that keep pace with developments and pave obstacles and challenges to reach the desired goals.

Our commitment to unmatched client service is an integral part of our values, drive better decision-making, stimulate innovation, increase organizational agility, creating diversity and inclusiveness can help your organization sustain long-term success in today’s marketplace.

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